Chris and Sarah

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

First Bathtime!

Well, it was organised like a military operation so nothing could go wrong! But we laughed so much I really had to test out my pelvic floor muscles!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Ordeal is Over!

Alexander is now at home! Hoorah! He seems completely calm and settled whereas I can't rest even though I've had several hallucinations through tiredness, am having breast-feeding nightmares knowing that I can't seek support until Monday, and have spent most of today crying. Oh the joys of motherhood!
Basically, I won't convey the whole sorry tale of the labour here, but it got pretty traumatic with lots of medical intervention to support my needs and Alex's needs. But, as scary and as painful as it was, at least the tale has a happy ending in the form of a tiny baby currently fast asleep on the sofa! Chris is banned from taking any photos of me until I look semi-human as I have never seen myself looking so pale and unwell! I hope you like all the other ones he's put on the blog. Sarah x

The Three Brothers

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sarah and Alex

Sarah and Alex are doing really well but they have to stay in hospital at least until Saturday. They are staying in Room 16 in the Post Natal ward on the 6th floor of St Thomas's Hospital.

Pictures of Day 1 and 2

Here is a few more pictures.

Born on the First Day of Spring

Alexander Michael James was born on Wednesday March 21st at 12:15 pm. He weighed 7lb 12oz and he measured 54cm long. He has been named after my step-father's, father "Alexander" and Sarah's Dad, "Michael."

What a night we had - but I think I will let Sarah tell you about it. All I can say is that she was very brave and that I was very proud of her.

March 20th aka the Night Before

Sarah and I booked into the Hilton St Thomas at 3pm on tuesday March 2oth. We had a great view over London and the Thames - not that Sarah saw much of it!

Room 18 on the eighth floor.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

8 Days and Counting

Just a quick one to let you know that this baby just doesn't want to make its appearance in this world! I'm now 8 days overdue, am getting increasingly fed up, and cannot wait for my midwife to arrive in half an hour's time to helpfully give me some advice about getting this baby out!
Thank you to everyone who has sent an email / text to find out what's going on - I'll keep you posted!
Sarah x

Monday, March 12, 2007

Due Date!

Sorry for the lack of photo, unless you particularly wanted one of me on all fours scrubbing the floor to get this labour started!
No news as of yet, though I have had some much stronger contractions. I get all geared up and then they go away! This baby is a big tease!
Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted!
Sarah x

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Oh my gosh! These photos will probably turn you off your dinner, but you just have to see how massive I have got! I apologise if you feel ill after seeing them! But I am so proud at the absence of stretch marks so I'm showing off slightly.

Only 10 days to go until the due date and I've started to get a bit restless, and uncomfortable so maybe Pedro will make an appearance into this world sooner rather than later! We'll keep you posted!