Chris and Sarah

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Just more photos!

Hello everyone! Just put the little one down for his sleep (it took 3 attempts!) so I thought I'd put up a few new photos before I hit the sack myself. I tried to follow the advice that's in the books earlier which say to grab some sleep when the baby is sleeping. I got myself tucked up in bed and ... Alex woke up after 3 minutes! Grrrrrr! I knew it was a bad idea!

Alex is being pretty good at night though. He goes down at around 9pm and only wakes up once in the night for a feed before waking up properly at around 7am. I can cope with that easily!

I'll have to remember to take the camera to our baby massage course that we go to once a week. He is the most relaxed baby there - definitely takes after his daddy in some respects!

We think he's getting a tooth, even though he's not quite 3 months yet. We can definitely see something about to stick out of a gum and he's munching his hands like there's no tomorrow and is dribbling for England. Oh, he's so advanced!!!!

Sarah xxx