Chris and Sarah

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Alex at the Farm!

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I've been a bit slack adding to the blog. I've been quite busy with attempting to make my life easier for 2009! I've left my teaching job in Bethnal Green, have moved to a new job teaching and leading Year 5 in Feltham, which is near to Heathrow. I'm loving it there. My flat is on the market, and has been since late September, and I'm crossing my fingers that the fact that I'm getting relatively frequent viewings will mean it sells soon. Then I'll be buying a house in Staines, closer to my mum and my new job. Alex is happy with his new childminder, Jaine. She's great and Alex has a better social life than I do thanks to her!

Took Alex to the farm this weekend, with his Daddy and Zac. Here are some photos. Alex is very kissy at the moment and teaching him to share means that frequently he tries to shove his beaker in my face. Very funny moment at the farm when he planted a smacker on the mouth of a sheep and kept trying to get the goats to drink from his beaker! He is a happy little one and didn't even mind when he jumped in the puddles and ended up covered in poo! I wasn't too keen when he picked up the goat's poo thinking it must have been a raisin. Ha!