Chris and Sarah

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wanted for crimes against looking cute!

I took Alexander to have his passport photos taken yesterday. Oh he looks so adorable! Chris and I had considered holding him up in one of those photo booths but then decided that that wouldn't work so I took him to a photo place where someone took his photo. It was a very funny sight with me sprawled on the floor trying to hold him upright on this slippery chair while the woman had to waggle camera films as it to stop his attention going elsewhere! But the end result is just too cute!! I've only done it to embarrass him when he has to use his passport when he's older! Ha!

Friday, August 24, 2007

10 reasons Sarah is a Great Mum

1. She is so patient. Alex can be very frustrating with his night sleeps but Sarah is always there for him with her happy baby talk.
2. She is a great talker. She will talk to anyone about how fantastic Alex is - she loves him so much that everyone enjoys listening to her.
3. Alex knows how much Sarah loves him. Sarah takes Alex everywhere she goes because he is so special to her. Alex knows he is part of a very special relationship.
4. Sarah is so proud to be a Mum. But she has not forgotten the importance of advice from her firends. Sarah so wants beautiful Alex to be perfect so she constantly asks her friends for advice.
5. Sarah loves the family environment. She has as much joy seeing Alex cuddling with his Dad as she does when they are snuggled up in bed together.
6. Sarah loves sharing Alex. Everyone who has been privileged enough to be out with Sarah and Alex know how much she wants to share her love and good luck for Alex.
7. Watching Sarah read to Alex is so lovely. She is every character in the book and Alex chuckles away.
8. Sarah works so hard with little praise from me. She deserves so much more than I give her.
9. Sarah spends hours cooking for Alex so he will love solids. Alex does not like solids - does she give up?
10. Sarah is bored when Alex is not awake. Alex has made Sarah complete - he makes her work - God bless him

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Things I Love about being a Mum

1) The first smile of recognition that Alexander gives me each morning - it makes the very early starts almost worthwhile!
2) Having conversations with complete strangers on the tube, in the supermarket, in restaurants etc. Alexander is a great talking point!
3) When people give Alexander a compliment - it's like they're giving one to me.
4) Sharing a smile with other mums in the street - we're part of the same club!
5) Seeing Alexander sitting on Chris's knee and belly laughing at his singing!
6) Seeing that my friends love Alexander so much and don't even think twice about kissing him and wiping off the dribble.
7) Watching Alexander learn new skills - you feel like you've created the cleverest baby in the world.
8) Those small periods of time during the day when Alexander has a nap and I feel proud of how much I can achieve in 30 minutes.
9) That glass of wine or three at the end of a hectic day when Alexander is out for the count. Bliss ... until it all starts again!
10) Realising that being a Mum is both the hardest and the easiest thing in the world. If it didn't come so naturally then I think I would've handed in my notice by now!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Alex, mummy is cooking again tomorrow


Now that tasted disgusting

Chasing Shadows

In Herne Bay I discovered my shadow!

My First Holiday

Mum and Dad took me on an exciting trip to the seaside!

We went to Whitstable Bay and Herne Bay.